August 9 - September 21, 2024
St Stephen's Anglican Church
360 Church Street, Richmond
Please see the schedule below.
If you are a competitor or Parent/Guardian/Teacher of a competitor we have
emailed you the schedule along with FAQ to you Wednesday 17 July.
If you didn’t receive schedule along with FAQ please check your junk/spam folder of your email.
If you didn’t receive the schedule and FAQ at all please contact the Melbourne Eisteddfod team
Doreen Beach Memorial Prize
Section 1.7 - 18 Years and Under Own Choice Piano Solo
SESSION 1 - 8 mins max - 6.00pm - 7.30pm
(Registrations open 5.30pm)
SESSION 2 - 8 mins max - 7.45pm - 9.15pm
(Registrations open 7.15pm)
Patricia Przewlocki Memorial Prize
Section 1.1 - 6 Years and Under Own Choice Piano Solo
SESSION 1 - 3 mins max - 9.00am - 10.15am
(Registrations open 8.30am)
SESSION 2 - 3 mins max - 10.30am - 11.45am
(Registrations open 10.00am)
Richard Przewlocki Memorial Prize
Section 1.2 - 8 Years and Under Own Choice Piano Solo
SESSION 1 - 3 mins max - 12.15pm - 1.45pm
(Registrations open 11.45am)
SESSION 2 - 3 mins max - 2.30pm - 4.00pm
(Registrations open 2.00am)
Section 3.1 - 12 Years and under Own Choice Piano Solo
4 mins max - 4.15pm - 5.15pm
(Registrations open 3.45pm)
Section 3.2 - 13 – 18 Years Own Choice Piano Solo
5 mins max - 5.30pm - 6.00pm
(Registrations open 5.00pm)
Nina Saffery Memorial Prize
Section 1.5 - 14 Years and Under Own Choice Piano Solo
SESSION 1 - 5 mins max - 9.00am - 10.45am
(Registrations open 8.30am)
SESSION 2 - 5 mins max - 11.15am - 1.00pm
(Registrations open 10.45am)
Violet Bussell Memorial Prize
Section 1.6 - 16 Years and Under Own Choice Piano Solo
SESSION 1 - 6 mins max - 2.00pm - 3.45pm
(Registrations open 1.30pm)
SESSION 2 - 6 mins max - 4.15pm - 6.15pm
(Registrations open 3.45pm)
Olive Welch Memorial Prize
Section 1.3 - 10 Years and Under Own Choice Piano Solo
SESSION 1 - 4 mins max - 9.00am - 10.30am
(Registrations open 8.30am)
SESSION 2 - 4 mins max - 11.00am - 12.30am
(Registrations open 10.30am)
Section 2.1 - 10 Years and Under Own Choice Piano Duet
4 mins max - 1.30pm - 2.15pm
(Registrations open 1.00pm)
Dale Jones Memorial Prize
SSection 1.4 - 12 Years and Under Own Choice Piano Solo
SESSION 1 - 4 mins max - 2.30pm - 4.00pm
(Registrations open 2:00pm)
SESSION 2 - 4 mins max - 4.30pm - 6.00pm
(Registrations open 4:00pm)
SINGLE SECTION PASS: $10 Adults / $5 Child U18 & Concession
DAY PASS (Entry to more than 1 session per day): $25 Adults / $15 Child U18 & Concession
The competitor may enter to watch their section for free.
Tickets can be paid in cash or on card on the day of the competition
Welcome to Melbourne Eisteddfod 2024 - and our inaugural piano completion!
On behalf of the Board of Play It Forward, we are delighted that you are considering participating in our wonderful new event, created to foster inclusion and participation in the arts for people of all abilities and ages.
We aim to encourage and support every entrant to do their personal best and learn from the valuable experience of performing in the beautiful surrounds of St Stephen’s Church, Richmond. We are so grateful for their support as our proud venue sponsor.
By participating in this exciting new Eisteddfod, you will not only be gaining valuable experience and feedback from our esteemed professional Adjudicators, you are also helping to support our work at Play It Forward, providing inclusive arts programs to all Australians - thank you!
Please take the time to read the information provided below very carefully - if this is your first Eisteddfod, then there are a few important things to understand now.
It is the responsibility of each entrant/guardian to ensure they read the Melbourne Eisteddfod rules and guidelines thoroughly before for registering, and then participate in each event.
Everyone must agree to abide by the specific conditions and the section requirements as set our below so that the experience is as equitable and enjoyable for everyone!
We can’t wait to see you all shine as you perform - and please remember to enjoy the gift of music and your special talents that you are sharing with your audience as well.
It’s not what you’ve won, but what you’ve done, that counts at the end of the day.
Yours in music,
Jonathon Welch AM DUniv
Artistic Director
Play It Forward
Melbourne Eisteddfod
1.1 Failure to comply with any of the rules and guidelines set out below, may lead to disqualification and/or the withdrawal of prizes and awards.
1.2 Melbourne Eisteddfod will hold the final decision in the case of any disputes and will not allow any variation to the rules and guideline as set out below.
1.3 An item can only be performed once during the Eisteddfod season, regardless of how many sections the entrant registers for.
1.4 Entrants are ineligible to enter if they have been taught or coached by the adjudicator of their section within the last 12 months prior to the date of the entrant participating.
1.5 All entrants, their guardians and/or teachers acknowledge their obligations under the Copyright Act (1968) and their commitment to adhering to the rules outlined in the Copyright Act (1968). See section 5 below for more details.
1.6 We would appreciate notification 24 hours if possible, prior to any event if an entrant/s decides to withdraw from or cancel participating in any section.
1.7 Please email our Eisteddfod Coordinator at:
1.8 No refunds will be made, with the exception of Melbourne Eisteddfod cancelling or significantly varying an event.
Entries for the inaugural 2024 Melbourne Eisteddfod piano competition are open from Monday 29 April, 2024.
The closing date to enter all sections is Sunday 30 June, 2024.
A confirmation response will be generated for each entry, and it will be the competitors’ responsibility to confirm all details of the entry are correct.
Please also check your junk/spam folders in case the confirmation email is there.
3.1 Melbourne Eisteddfod reserves the right to amend, cancel or combine any events.
3.2 Session registration will be open 30 minutes prior to the advertised session time Registrations will close 5 minutes before the advertised section begins.
3.3 Any Entrant who fails to register within this registration period may be disqualified. At the Eisteddfod Convenors discretion, the entrant may however be allowed to compete, but will only be provided with an Adjudication Report and will not be eligible for an award.
4.1 All entrants must register on the Stardom website only, and provide all details as requested online. Entries will not be accepted via email or by any other means.
4.2 Full payment must be made online at time of registration.
4.3 A participant’s age is determined as of the first day of the Eisteddfod year ie January 1, 2024.
4.4 Participants may register for multiple sections abiding by the age limit guide lines.
4.5 The entrants date of birth must be given at time of entry and if requested, a copy or extract of the Entrant’s Birth Certificate (or proof of age) must be provided before they can compete. If found to be incorrect, the competitor will be disqualified from competing in that section and potentially any other sections they’ve registered in during the same Eisteddfod season.
4.6 Late entries will be permitted at the discretion of the Eisteddfod coordinator and will considered subject to our final timetabling, capacity and program deadlines without obligation. If allowed, any late entry will be subject to a late fee.
Late entries will also need to be registered on the Stardom website and not via email or any other means.
As a result, all entries will be announced by the MC on the day of competition if it’s not possible to include them in our digital program.
4.7 All registration fees will include door admission for all performers within their section. Family, friends and teachers must pay separately to watch each session. Day passes and family passes may also be available for purchase at the venue.
4.8 Entry fees are non-refundable, except where an event is cancelled or is significantly altered by Melbourne Eisteddfod, or there is an extenuating circumstance.
Entry fees cannot be transferred to another event.
4.9 Each section will have limited registrations available and Melbourne Eisteddfod reserves the right to close registrations once any limit is reached, even if the registration period is still open.
4.10 Those registering in a ‘Non-Competitive’ section, cannot also register for a competitive section within the same category.
4.11 No competitor can compete under any name other than the one in their entry registration.
4.12 Upon registering, entrants make a commitment to be available for the full duration of the section they’ve entered, commencing from the allocated start time indicated.
4.13 Entrants cannot perform more than once within the same solo section.
4.14 Entrants can only register for sections where the specified age limit is below their age as of January 1, 2024.
5.1 Melbourne Eisteddfod holds licences with One Music Australia.
5.2 We do not accept copies of any music digitally for each event. All music must be provided in print form - either photocopies or originals when registering in person prior to your participation in each section.
5.3 All entrants using sheet music subject to copyright in their performance at Melbourne Eisteddfod must use originals or authorised photocopies.
It is illegal to make a photocopy of a piece of music that is in copyright without obtaining prior permission from the copyright owner.
5.4 It is the entrants responsibility to make and provide a photocopy of the original music for the adjudicator.
These copies must be produced and presented at the time of registering for the event section, by the entrant.
The copies must be marked ‘Not For Return’ and will subsequently destroyed by Melbourne Eisteddfod at the conclusion of the section.
5.5 Entrants are reminded that the primary responsibility for adherence to Copyright Law rests with the person(s) doing/authorising the copying. Melbourne Eisteddfod does not approve or condone the unlawful copying of copyright works.
Please contact or call 02 9935 7900 for all information regarding your obligations under the Copyright Act (1968) if you are at all unsure of any matters regarding music copyright.
6.1 No rehearsal or practice is permitted on the Melbourne Eisteddfod’s venue stage area/piano before a live section or at anytime before or during the conclusion of each section.
Any breach of this rule may result in automatic disqualification.
6.2 All published time limits must be strictly observed and any music selections should be carefully made and timed, so as to finish within the time limit allocated.
6.3 In the case of a performer exceeding the time limit the performance will be adjudicated up to the point of the time limit being reached and the entrant will not be eligible for any prizes.
6.4 A performer may not perform a piece of music more than once within the same year an any sections.
7.1 Any opinions, remarks and critiques offered by appointed Adjudicators either in writing or verbally, are subjective and their own opinions, and not those of Melbourne Eisteddfod.
7.2 Melbourne Eisteddfod reserves the right to appoint a co-adjudicator, assistant and/or substitute adjudicator without prior notice.
7.3 The adjudicator’s decision in accordance with the rules pertaining to the relevant section is final. This includes the choice of any item to be presented by an entrant if it does/doesn’t comply with the conditions of a particular section.
Any decisions regarding ineligibility or disqualification are the decision of Melbourne Eisteddfod.
7.4 Any entrant who is related to, or been taught, mentored or coached privately by an appointed adjudicator during the 12 months preceding the event date, is unable to participate in that section.
7.5 Communication with the adjudicator by a competitor, or by anyone other person associated with a competitor by any means, before or during the Eisteddfod session is strictly forbidden and may result in disqualification.
7.6 Any communication directed to the Adjudicator/s from the entrant or anyone associated with the entrant regarding any matter to do with their participation in Melbourne Eisteddfod, must be communicated via the Eisteddfod Coordinator.
The Adjudicator’s privacy must be respected at all times before, during and after their engagement with Melbourne Eisteddfod.
7.7 If the Melbourne Eisteddfod Convenor deems there are insufficient numbers of registrations or performers on the day of a section to warrant the viability of the competition, that section may be cancelled without prior notice and registration fees will be refunded.
7.8 Alternatively, the Melbourne Eisteddfod Convenor may allow items to be performed for critique only in the event there are sufficient entries to warrant any prizes being awarded.
8.1 The Adjudicator/s will provide entrants with feedback via a written report. These reports will be available for collection at the end of each section.
8.2 The decision to award prizes will be at the discretion of the Adjudicator including the right to withhold any prizes.
8.3 No ties will be allowed and no additional prizes other than those already advertised will be awarded. Should the adjudicator decide not to award a prize for any reason, the decision shall be final and binding.
8.4 All cash prizes will be distributed to the winners as an eGift payment card where practicable, along with any other certificates or prizes that have been awarded, at the conclusion of each section.
Photography, video or audio recordings of any kind on any device of any performance in any event by any competitor are strictly prohibited in accordance with Australian copyright and all applicable laws.
Any breach of these laws will not be the responsibility of Melbourne Eisteddfod
When registering to participate in any sections of Melbourne Eisteddfod, you also agree for us to record your/child’s performance in any format (photograph, video or audio) for archival or promotional purposes by Play It Forward Aust Ltd..
This permission is given in perpetuity, without the form of any compensation for it’s use, and will not be made available for any other use or financial gain or profit.
Please notify us in advance if you don’t wish to be filmed, recorded or photographed and we will ensure we delete any content.
When entering the Eisteddfod venue, either backstage or in the auditorium, all entrants, parents, carers, supporters and audience members must follow the instructions of the designated Melbourne Eisteddfod staff and volunteers for the safety and comfort of all participants and Eisteddfod staff.
This includes any instructions given in the case or any emergency evacuations.
Alcohol is strictly prohibited on the premises of the Eisteddfod and in St Stephen’s Church.
Anyone found with it in their possession will be removed and permanently disqualified from participating in Melbourne Eisteddfod or attend any events.
All entrants acknowledge that Play It Forward holds public liability insurance which does not comprehensively cover injury to performers. All individuals must ensure they are either adequately covered whilst participating/performing, or agree to participate at their own risk.
12.1 When registering in Melbourne Eisteddfod, the entrant or guardian consents to any personal information collected being used by the Play It Forward Aust Ltd for the purposes of promoting our services and conducting the Eisteddfod and discharging our functions and services including:
- providing the names and section/s entered of all entrants who appeared and the results of each section in documents and webpages relating to the Eisteddfod in print, online or in the media for promotional purposes.
12.2. Any personal information collected will not be disclosed unless permitted or required by law. If the information is not collected, your entry to the Competition may be invalid.
Requests for to amend or remove any personal information should be made to the
Melbourne Eisteddfod Convenor at
Any protest regarding a decision made about an entrant in any section, must be made in writing within one hour of the completion of that section and accompanied by a non-refundable fee of $50.
Melbourne Eisteddfod’s decision regarding the dispute will be final.
Any complaints or comments regarding any aspect of Melbourne Eisteddfod must be made within 7 days of the conclusion of the event in writing and emailed to:
The Melbourne Eisteddfod Convenor will respond if warranted, when practicable.
Click HERE to view Melbourne Eisteddfod 2024 scheduling